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Welcome to the world of Muggles! Of course by now you do know what a muggle is correct? Well just as a refresher, a muggle is a person who has no magical abilities what so ever, but most likely somewhere in their past family history, there may have been a witch or wizard. So unlike all of you, they can not perform any kind of magic. This differs from a muggle-born person, of which some of you may be. In this instance, a muggle-born is a witch or wizard who is born to muggle parents but, they are magical, they can perform magic. In this class, you will learn what muggle life is like, how they get around, their form of entertainment, in general, their day to day life and compare and contrast it to what we magic people do day to day. This is important to know as you will need at some point in your life to interact with muggles and you will be taking a trip during this class to spend some time amongst muggles in their world. For those of you who are muggle born, if will be interesting to see how you now perceive the muggle world after having been in a magical world now for several years.

Please choose one of the 2 options to do for each of the 4 week sessions. I would like to see real effort put into your work as you are now at a higher level of learning. There will be a total of 2 tasks you will need to do over the year.


Term 1 weeks 1-4

Option 1


Transportation! And communications

Please read chapters 1 and 2 the book related to both transportation and communication.


As you know from the reading, muggles get around In many ways that we could not even imagine! But, are they really a good way to travel? I would like for you to choose at least 2 forms of communication and 3 forms of transportation used by muggles. If you plan to purchase a car in the future after graduation, you should add cars to your choice for transportation. After reading about the methods muggles use you now need to tell me what you have learned.



1. Muggles can communicate in so many ways. Describe what each of the 2 forms of communication are in as much detail as you can.

What is the best use of these methods for the muggles?

Does it help them to keep in touch with other muggles better than the methods you did not pick?

Compare the two methods you chose to what we have to communicate by and tell me how they differ and how they are similar.

Which method of communication do you think is a more efficient way to communicate, muggle ways or magical and give me your reasonings as to why.


2. Travel by muggles comes in many forms. Like the communications, I would like for you to tell me more about each of the 3 ways they move about that you chose.

Which method do you think is the most efficient way to move about. Include things like costs, repairs easiest to use.

If you are writing about cars, please be sure to include cost, upkeep, what are problems that can occur with a car, upkeep of a car.

Which method of transportation would like to see magical people be able to use in our world if we could.

Discuss any differences or similarities between how we travel and how muggles travel.

Which method of travel would you think is better, muggle or magical and give me your reasonings and why?


Option 2

Governing and currency


Government is very important regardless of muggle or magical! Without some form of regulations, there would be nothing but chaos in the world. People would just do as they please, there would be no laws to keep things in check or maintain order. We have our ways of governing through the Ministry of Magic and muggles have their own, though this can differ depending on where muggles reside. Along with governing, money is also important to both societies. Chapters 3 and 4 will give you more insight.



1. Look up a government found in any muggle country and read what their rules and methods are. When writing how that country governs, tell me as much as you can about that particular government.

How are people selected to work.

How long can they serve in that role.

Who gets to decide who is a part of the government.

Are there different branches to the government?

Compare and contrast that form of government to the magical branch. Tell me what is similar and what is different.

Which form of governing do you think runs more efficiently and why.


2. Muggle money is vastly different from our simple system of just 3 coins. Look up what a muggle country uses for money and tell me what they use for their form of currency.

Tell me about the currency magical people currently use at Gringotts.

What are the differences between muggle and magical money.

Which form of currency do you think is easier to use and why.


Term 2 Weeks 1-4


Option 1


Society and Fashion

Muggles and magical are so different in how we dress and how we take care of our people. Muggles have many ways to look chic, and have so many ways to dress depending on the occasion. The same seems to be true of how they care for people. Medical wise they seems to have such old fashion ideas of how to care for ill and injured people. How they take care of criminals differ from us also. Chapters 5 and 7 cover these aspects.

This task will be a bit different for you.



After reading the chapters, I would like for you to put yourself in the muggle’s shoes and spend a day in the muggle world. This means no wands or magic can be used.  So put on your muggle clothes and be a muggle!

Go shopping for a range of clothing to use for school, casual wear, a party, and a night on the town.

As part of you day as a muggle, wander through a hospital and police station. Stop by a field where children are playing a game. Describe what you saw that differs from how we treat patients.

What did you see in a police station that differs from how we treat wrong doers.

What game were the children playing? Do we have a similar sport?


Make this as interesting as you can. The more detail you can provide the better.


Option 2


Fun and muggle home life

You think we as magical have it tough when you are assigned chores to do by your parents, or as you watch them cook and clean. Without electricity, we are more limited in what we can do for fun. After reading chapters 6 and 8 I would like for you to place yourself in the muggle life. This task will be a written story of your day, rather than research of the ways muggle and magical differ.



Write a story about how a day in the life of a muggle. From the time you get up until time to go to bed, you need to adjust to how a muggle goes through the day. Cooking, cleaning, what they use to accomplish all the tasks they need to do.

Describe what you did to cook or clean that differs from what your parents do every day.

You have some time to be entertained, what do muggles do for fun? How do their activities differ from ours given they have that electricity we do not.

Include what you can do at home or out and about after work is done that we magical folks do not have access to.

The more details you can add about how muggle work and fun differs from us, the better.


The more details you can add about how muggle work and fun differs from us, the better.

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